Environmentální otázky s cílem zvýšit kvalitu života konkrétního veřejného prostoru otevírá právě probíhající úvodní výstava projektu Gardening of Soul: Introduction v Domě umění Ústí nad Labem.
Úspěch pražské Kunsthalle, její letošní výstavě se klaní slavný Christie’s.
Read here in English
The success of the Prague Kunsthalle,
its exhibition this year is being paid homage by the famous Christies
Abstract art pioneers and Czech artistry
highlight Kunsthalle’s 2025 exhibitions
Published on 16.01.2025
House of the Month, Architectural Record, December Issue 2023
by Leopoldo Villardi
Pleased to share that Architectural Record magazine has published an article about our site-specific sculpture Plantarium: Circles and Constellations located at the private S-A House in Upstate NY. Plantarium is a weathering steel sculpture and a garden connecting the atrium of the house to the open landscape to create an immersive experience of nature. The house, designed by renowned architects Levenbetts, was chosen as the House of the Month by the magazine. You can read the full story online.
“More striking is a 32-foot-long sculpture by Czech-American artists Kristyna and Marek Milde, which juts out from the east- facing light court directly into a dramatic, striated shale outcropping to which the house’s foundation is pinned. This plinth of weathering steel slots perfectly into the jagged stone, and circular cutouts accommodate ferns, moss, and a small pond frequented by amphibious critters.”
ČT Art Události v kultuře , 20.10, 2023
Wrightův Dům v New Yorku
We are thrilled that the Czech National Television Ceskatelevize.cz features our sculpture Homescape at Manitoga / The Russel Wright Design Center in the recent program about Cultural News Události v kultuře on October 20, 2023. You can see it in the archive. It is in part in Czech and English language.
ČT Art Události v kultuře , 22.9, 2023
Výstava k 30 letům vstupu ČR do OSN
Czech Television features artists Kristyna and Marek Milde and their work Homescape at Manitoga on the occasion of Czech President Petr Pavel‘s visit to the exhibition Amicable Separation at the Czech Center, where Marek Milde talks about the work Motherboards, which is part of the exhibition. The curator Charlotta Kotik, the granddaughter of the first Czechoslovak President T.G. Masaryk, introduces the exhibition and talks about her discovery of Louise Bourgeois and her participation in the Venice Biennale.
ČTK ČESKÉ NOVINY, 21.09.2023
Article about the visit of the Czech Presiden Petr Pavel to the exhibition
Amicable Separation A Dialogue of Czech and Slovak Artists 30 Years After Independence
at the Czech Center Gallery, NYC Curated by Charlotta Kotik, Sep 7– Oct 5, 2023
The President went to the Czech National Building after meetings with the President of Mongolia and the Prime Minister of Andorra. There he visited an exhibition called Amicable Separation, which, according to curator Kotíková, is intended to show that the division of Czechoslovakia was an exceptional event in the international context, and also an opportunity for Czech and Slovak artists, who, she said, are becoming more and more prominent in the international context. Thanks to this, the author of the exhibition was able to select exhibitors from among artists who have recently completed artist residencies or received scholarships in the USA.In addition to Kotíková, the director of the Czech Center, Miroslav Konvalina, and several of the exhibiting artists, such as Radek Brousil, Marek and Kristýna Milde, and Adam Vačkář, who caught Pavel’s attention with his video showing the rebirth of a forest after a fire in the Czech Switzerland National Park.
“I didn’t expect the works to have a common theme, but it’s nature. The theme of how we are destroying nature is close to the artists’ hearts,” Kotíková told ČTK. “Another connecting element is technology,” she added.
Pictured from left: Czech photographer Radek Brousil, director of the Czech Center in New York Miroslav Konvalina, artist Adam Vačkář, great-granddaughter of the first Czechoslovak president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and curator Charlotta Kotíková and President Petr Pavel.
Flash Art Czech and Slovak Edition #68 Gardening
curated by Mgr. art Katarína Balúnová, ArtD. at Galéria umelcov Spiša, Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia
Uryvek z eseje
Mgr. art. Katarína Balúnová, ArtD.
Kristyna a Marek Milde sa vo svojej tvorbe programovo venujú environmentálnych témam, pričom poukazujú na odcudzenie sa človeka prírodnému svetu. Pracujú na pomedzí viacerých médií, vytvárajú inštalácie, ktoré často reagujú na špecifické prostredia in-situ. Prostredníctvom umenia vo verejnom priestore sa zapájajú do spoločenského diania, skúmajú ľudské správanie a vyzývajú diváka na aktívnu spoluúčasť. Kristyna Milde študovala maľbu na Assenza Malschule v Bazileji vo Švajčiarsku, kým Marek Milde navštevoval odbor sochárstva v Ateliéri Dodekaeder v Nemecku. V roku 2007 obaja úspešne obhájili magisterský titul na Queens College v New Yorku. V rokoch 2008 – 2015 pracovali v Českom kultúrnom inštitúte v New Yorku, kde organizovali kultúrne programy.62
Dôležitou súčasťou práce Kristyny a Mareka Milde je komunikácia s ľuďmi a prostredím. Habitat ako biotop, urbánne prostredie, či obytný blok, sa stáva nosnou konštrukciou pre diferentné naratívy súčasnej kultúry. Veľkomestské problémy vykorenenia, strata pevných oporných bodov v živote a pasívny konzum marketingom starostlivo predpripravených receptov na šťastie, spôsobuje fragmentáciu identity. Umelci hľadajú spôsoby, ako prostredníctvom umenia otvoriť nové perspektívy vnímania, ktoré by viedli k pozitívnej zmene. Využívajú pritom osobnú skúsenosť s prírodnou krajinou, ktorá im otvára poznanie seba samých a tým aj sveta: „Utopická ekologická krajina evokuje predstavu rajskej záhrady ako harmónie rastlín, zvierat a človeka… V ideálnej budúcnosti by sa mala nájsť rovnováha medzi kultivovanou produktívnou krajinou a divokou prírodou. Dôležité je, aby ľudia mali možnosť priameho vzťahu k prírode. Jednak vďaka osobnej možnosti pestovať a kultivovať rastliny a stromy a zároveň mať možnosť krajinu fyzicky objavovať a pohybovať sa v nej. Dôležitosť vidíme tiež v integrácii prírody v urbánnom priestore. V poslednej dobe sa tieto tendencie stále zlepšujú a už vopred sa v plánovaní a dizajne myslí na ekologickú stránku priestoru.“63
Autori aktívne pracujú v odbore dizajnu a navrhujú zelené riešenia pre architektonické celky. V projekte Plantarium: Circles and Constellations, 2021 vytvorili živú skulptúru vo forme rastlín zasadených v oceľovej platforme ako mikrokozmos odzrkadľujúci okolité prostredie. Dielo prepája dom s otvorenou krajinou a stáva sa tak mostom medzi privátnym a vonkajším priestorom, pričom pozýva na rozjímanie o sezónnych premenách a plynutím času. Táto práca nadväzuje na projekty Homescape, 2014, Plantarium, 2017, či Plantarium – Tea Garden, 2018, kde umelci spájajú ideu záhrady, interiérového dizajnu a pestovania, pričom sa sústreďujú na sprostredkovanie telesného prežitia prírody. Site-specific participatívne inštalácie otvárajú otázky, nakoľko sme ovplyvnení postindustriálnou realitou, kedy väčšinu svojho času trávime v interiéri, obklopení civilizačnými produktmi. Produktom sa stáva aj jedlo, ktoré kupujeme naaranžované a zabalené v lákavých farebných plastových obaloch.
V dielach Dinner Garden, 2013 a à la cart, 2014 autori skúmajú možnosti založenia komunitnej záhrady v mestskom prostredí, aby upozorňovali na kontext a proces produkcie potravín. Projekty pritom nemali ambíciu byť profesionálnych kurzom záhradníctva, ale skôr fungovali ako ihrisko, ktoré povzbudzovalo nové zážitky a zároveň prehodnocovalo hranice konzumu – účastníci si vo finále mohli pripraviť jedlo z vlastnoručne dopestovaných surovín. Umelci pritom nevyzývajú k plošnému návratu k agrárnemu spôsobu života, možným riešením sú aj technologické inovácie: „Podľa našej skúsenosti je dobré veci individuálne posudzovať. Inovácia môže pomôcť vyriešiť mnoho súčasných problémov a otázok, nakoľko vytvára nové zdroje cez ľudskú vynaliezavosť. Ale je dobre veci testovať v malom, aby sme videli celkový dopad. Na druhej strane jednoduché riešenie môže byť často to najlepšie. V matematike sa napríklad teórie a rovnice posudzujú aj z hľadiska svojej jednoduchosti a harmónie, v konečnom dôsledku sa totiž práve tie ukazujú ako pravdivé.“64
Jedným zo spôsobom ako sa postaviť k súčasnej ekologickej kríze je recyklácia. Kristyna a Marek Milde často vo svojej práci používajú nájdený a vyradený materiál, ktorý vnímajú aj ako súčasť výskumu kultúrnych javov. Zaujímavým fenoménom sú často vyhodené tropické rastliny, ktoré sa kvôli svojej veľkosti stávajú nepohodlnými. V rámci projektu Carpetorium, Lost and Found Gardens of Manhattan, 2021 zhromažďujú tieto rastliny, aby upozornili na konzumný vzťah, ktorý k nim prechovávame. „Lietajúci“ koberec sa stáva metaforou transkontinentálnej vynútenej migrácie a zároveň upozorňuje na zánik prirodzených biotopov, ako sú tropické pralesy.
Autori veria v transformatívnu silu umenia: „Umelec môže vyzdvihnúť a poukázať na rôzne aspekty súčasnosti, ktoré sú buď zakryté alebo neviditeľné. Zároveň vďaka umeleckému tvaru reči a vyjadrovacích foriem, ako je metafora či nadsázka, môže diváka doviesť ku kreatívnym a novým pohľadom na skutočnosť. Tie sa potenciálne môžu premietnuť aj v budúcom rozhodovaní. Myslíme si, že umenie by malo viesť vnímanie diváka nad to každodenné a otvoriť mu dvere do nových svetov… Utópia sa môže potenciálne stať realitou. Samozrejme musí byť nosná a praktická, aby sa dala skutočne aplikovať. Slovo utópia už v sebe nesie sľub neuskutočneného, nedosiahnuteľného ideálu. Môžeme ju teda vnímať skôr ako kompas podľa ktorého sa riadime na ceste do budúcnosti. Bez vyšších ideálov strácame orientáciu a zmysel života.“
62 Kristyna and Marek Milde. http://www.mildeart.com/about (10.12.2021)
63 Kristyna a Marek Milde. Interview, 07.03.2022
Zde cele PDF eseje Esej Ekologicke umenie
In their work, Kristyna and Marek Milde, address environmental topics while pointing out the alienation of culture from the natural world. Their work is at the interface of multiple media, creating installations that often respond to specific in-situ environments. Through art in public space, they engage in social events, explore human behavior, and invite the viewer to active participation. Kristyna Milde studied painting at the Assenza Malschule in Basel, Switzerland, while Marek Milde studied sculpture at Atelier Dodekaeder in Germany. In 2007, both successfully defended their master’s degrees at Queens College in New York. In the years 2008-2015, they worked at the Czech Cultural Institute in New York, where they organized cultural programs.62
Communication with people and the environment is an important part of Kristyna and Marek Milda’s work. Habitat as a biotope, urban environment, or residential block becomes a supporting structure for different narratives of contemporary culture. Urban problems of uprooting, loss of fixed points of support in life, and passive consumerism by marketing carefully prepared recipes for happiness, cause fragmentation of identity. Artists are looking for ways to open up new perspectives of perception through art that would lead to positive change. In doing so, they use their personal experience with the natural landscape, which opens up their knowledge of themselves and thus of the world: “A utopian ecological landscape evokes the idea of a paradise garden as a harmony of plants, animals, and man… In an ideal future, a balance should be found between a cultivated, productive landscape and wild nature. It is important that people have the possibility of a direct relationship with nature. On the one hand, thanks to the personal opportunity to grow and cultivate plants and trees, and at the same time to have the opportunity to physically explore the landscape and move around in it. We also see the importance of the integration of nature in the urban space. Recently, these tendencies have been improving and the ecological side of the space is already being thought of in advance in planning and design.”63
The authors work actively in the field of design and propose green solutions for architectural units. In the project Plantarium: Circles and Constellations, 2021, they created a living sculpture in the form of plants planted in a steel platform as a microcosm reflecting the surrounding environment. The work connects the house with the open landscape, thus becoming a bridge between private and outdoor space while inviting contemplation of seasonal transformations and the passage of time. This work follows on from the projects Homescape, 2014, Plantarium, 2017, či Plantarium – Tea Garden, 2018, where the artists combine the idea of a garden, interior design, and cultivation while focusing on mediating the physical survival of nature. Site-specific participatory installations open up questions about how much we are influenced by post-industrial reality, when we spend most of our time indoors, surrounded by civilizational products. Food, which we buy arranged and packaged in attractive colorful plastic packaging, also becomes a product.
In the works Dinner Garden, 2013 an à la cart, 2014, the authors explore the possibilities of establishing a community garden in an urban environment to draw attention to the context and process of food production. At the same time, the projects did not have the ambition to be a professional gardening course, but rather functioned as a playground that encouraged new experiences and at the same time re-evaluated the limits of consumption – in the finale, the participants could prepare food from their own hand-grown ingredients. At the same time, the artists do not call for a general return to the agrarian way of life, technological innovations are also a possible solution: “According to our experience, it is good to assess things individually. Innovation can help solve many current problems and questions as it creates new resources through human ingenuity. But it’s good to test things on a small scale to see the overall impact. On the other hand, a simple solution can often be the best. In mathematics, for example, theories and equations are also judged from the point of view of their simplicity and harmony, because in the end, it is precisely those that prove to be true.”64
One of the ways to deal with the current ecological crisis is recycling. Kristyna and Marek Milde often use found and discarded material in their work, which they perceive as part of research into cultural phenomena. An interesting phenomenon is often discarded tropical plants, which become inconvenient due to their size. As part of the Carpetorium, Lost and Found Gardens of Manhattan,, 2021 collect these plants to draw attention to the consumer relationship we have with them. The “flying” carpet becomes a metaphor for transcontinental forced migration and at the same time draws attention to the disappearance of natural habitats such as tropical forests.
The authors believe in the transformative power of art: “An artist can highlight and point out various aspects of the present that are either covered or invisible. At the same time, thanks to the artistic form of speech and forms of expression, such as metaphor or exaggeration, it can lead the viewer to creative and new perspectives on reality. These can potentially be reflected in future decision-making. We think that art should lead the viewer’s perception beyond the every day and open the door to new worlds… Utopia can potentially become a reality. Of course, it must be load-bearing and practical in order to be really applied. The word utopia already carries the promise of an unrealized, unattainable ideal. So we can perceive it more like a compass according to which we are guided on the way to the future. Without higher ideals, we lose orientation and the meaning of life.”
62 Kristyna and Marek Milde. http://www.mildeart.com/about (10.12.2021)
63 Kristyna and Marek Milde. Interview, 07.03.2022
by Mgr. art. Katarína Balúnová, ArtD
Artycok TV
Reportage about the international group show Gardening of Soul at the House of Arts in Usti nad Labem.
Pomyslné zahrady z mnoha koutů světa
PDF Pomyslné zahrady z mnoha koutů světa | ARTIKL
TV episode Transboder Art
Art and Architecture
Kristyna and Marek Milde, Emireth Herrera, Maddy Rosenberg, and Giandomenico Pellizi
Mark Dion, Kristyna and Marek Milde in conversation with Christelle Havranek
Kunsthalle Praha, October 1, 2021
Celem k Umeni/Fudstream/
7_____9. 12. 2020____16:30
Kristyna and Marek Milde ” Vztahy, Vzory, Konstelace”
Susan de Vries highlights Kristyna and Marek Milde as top BOS 2019
Studio to visit!
Kristyna a Marek Milde: To je nase role aktivizovat divaka!
Czech Radio Vltava Vizitka
March 25, 2019
Listen to our interview moderated by Renata Spitsarova in the Czech language
Continue reading
Word Clean Up Day: Interview with Kristyna and Marek Milde
September 15, 2018
One day. One planet. One goal.
Millions of people in 150 countries uniting to clean up our world,
in the biggest civic action in human history.
Meet Kristyna and Marek Milde “ an artist couple from the Czech Republic residing in New York,
who interpret the city through the things its people throw away on the streets.â€
Peripheral ARTeries Magazine, Aniversary Edition, December 2017, pg 4-31
Interview with Kristyna and Marek Milde
Discussing in detail with the curators Dario Rutigliano (United Kindom) and Melissa C. Hilborn (USA/ Germany) Milde’s collaborative artistic process and strategies they utilize in their recent projects.
“Milde’s works convey a coherent sense of unity that rejects any conventional classification.”
Radio BTRtoday, Art Uncovered series hosted by Kimberley Ruth, December 19, 2017
Interview with Kristyna and Marek Milde
Interview on the BTR Radio as part of the Art Uncovered series hosted by Kimberley Ruth, where Milde’s discuss many topics and projects including the Public Library currently on view as part of the exhibition Building and Rebuilding at Repair the World. Tags: Bees | Books | Collaboration | Environment | Furniture | Home | Sustainability
Art Uncovered brings you interviews with an eclectic mix of artists and creators. On the show, they discuss their work and how it may intersect with technology, pop-culture, science, and the larger culture. Kimberly Ruth is a New York-based multi-media artist, radio host, founder of the Gnome Magazine, and Professor of Journalism and Photography at SUNY New Paltz.
Czech Television CT1, “Polopateâ€, October 22, 2017
TV Reportage about Mildeart’s permanent installation In-Tree-Net at the Chateau Trebesice in the Czech Republic
“NY gallery offers space for young artists”
TV Reportage from the opening of the Call and Response Exhibition at Wave Hill, featuring our site-specific installation In-Tree-Net
September 10, 2017
The Riverdale Press
Call & Response celebrates 10 years of emerging Wave Hill artists, October 6, 2017
Exhibition review about the anniversary Call & Response show at Wave Hill, where we presented our site-specific installation In-Tree-Net.
Flash Art #43, Czech and Slovak Edition
“Lost Connections”, by Sarah Crown, March – May 2017
Comprehensive article about Kristyna and Marek Milde art practice, written by curator and art historian Sarah Crown focuses on a variety of our projects about the environment such as the Gone Wild, In-Tree-Net, Cabinet of Smells and others. Flash Art issue #43 engages themes of #environment and #anthropocene.
The original printed version in Czech as PDF here.Â
The English version of the article is available here.
Flash Art is a leading international art magazine.
“Like a hike through the mountains, their art practice involves a well-thought-out navigation through our environment that offers new perspectives and views on what we humans might have forgotten in our Anthropocene era.”
“While Milde’s work reframes modern lifestyle and everyday rituals it is an “archeological†exploration into cultural memes that is also visionary; imagining a future, where the lost environmental connection could be re-established through awareness and active engagement, fostering the integrity of culture and nature.”
Form, Art and the Environment: Engaging in Sustainability
Published by Routledge, 2017, 224 pages | 29 Color Illus. | 29 B/W Illus.
New publication on environmental and sustainable art by Barbara Benish and Nathalie Blance, which includes Kristyna and Marek Milde’s project In-Tree-Net, 2011-2013,a series of site-specific installations engaging architecture and its alienating effects from environment made with tree trunks and branches, mimicking pipes and engineering systems in architecture.
Form, Art and the Environment: Engaging in Sustainability adopts a pluralistic perspective of environmental artistic processes in order to examine the contributions of the arts in promoting sustainable development and culture at a grassroots level and its potential as a catalyst for social change and awareness. This book investigates how community arts, environmental creativity, and the changing role of artists in the Polis contribute to the goal of a sustainable future from a number of interdisciplinary perspectives. From considering the role that artworks play in revealing local environmental problems such as biodiversity, public transportation, and energy issues, to examining the way in which artists and artworks enrich our multidimensional understanding of culture and sustainable development.
Untapped Cities
“Studio in the Park Chance Ecologies Takes an In-Depth Look at NYC’s Flushing River“
July 20, 2016
Article by Jenna Bagcal about the Chance Ecologies: Flushing River residency at the Studio in the Park at the Queens Museum, in which Kristyna and Marek Milde participated
Untapped Cities unearths New York City most unique and surprising places, stories, and events for the inquisitive reader.
The Highlands Current
August 30, 2016Â
Exhibition review by Alison Rooney about the exhibition Word at the Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, NY featuring Kristyna and Marek Milde installation Home in a Home
“Kristyna and Marek Milde’s installation, Home in a Home, upon closer inspection, will surprise you when its wallpaper is revealed to show highly designed text. A questionnaire, to be filled in by those seated on a couch in the installation, asks visitors to describe what home means to them, and completes the work.”
The New York Times
“At Exhibitions in Peekskill, Art in Plain English“
“Each of the more than 70 works in Word incorporates text: isolated letters, bold words, enigmatic phrases, provocative sentences or fragments of stories…Lines of text create diamond patterns in the wallpaper in Kristyna and Marek Mildes living-room-like installation, Home in a Home” …Word features 55 artists, who range in age from their 20s to their 80s. displayed alongside pieces by established international artists including Ms. Kimpton, Ann Hamilton, Oscar Murillo, Stefan Brüggemann, John Mellencamp (yes, the musician), and Robert Indiana, whose iconic “Love†towers eight feet tall.”
PDF of the article “At Exhibitions in Peekskill, Art in Plain English” – The New York Times
New York Times is the leading USA daily newspaper and one of the foremost global publications with the largest circulation of any metropolitan newspaper in the United States.
Hudson Valley News Network
March 1, 2016
TV reportage by Jay BehrkeÂ
“Much of the work on display here is both provocative and groundbreaking.”
Hudson Valley News Network is a news and information digital portal that covers the five counties of the Hudson Valley in New York State.
Czech National TVÂ
“Toulava Kamera”
In-Tree-Net featured on the Czech National TV Ceska Televize In the Travel and History Series Toulava Kamera
August 2, 2015Â
The TV show features  Renaissance Chateau Trebesice near Prague that contains a prominent contemporary art collection of Alberto di Stefano and Eugenio Percossi, that includes permanent installation In-Tree-Net by Kristyna and Marek Milde.
To view the video click here to be directed to the Czech National TV. Select the chapter about the Zamek Trebesice.
In the Czech language only.
Ceska televize is the official national public television broadcaster in the Czech Republic, broadcasting six channels.
Little Patuxent Review
What You Eat: Shopping Cart to Table“
Review by Dyllen Bargteil about the project A la Cart at Dumbo, Brooklyn by Kristyna and Marek Milde
February 6, 2015
Artists like Kristyna and Marek Milde can help lead the way.
Little Patuxent Review (LPR) is a biannual print journal with an associated blog that features writers and artists from the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond.
Little Patuxent Review
Kristyna Milde Interview about à la Cart for http://littlepatuxentreview.org/“
The Interview with Dyllen Bargteil appeared as part of the article What You Eat: Shopping Cart to Table by Dyllen Bargteil on the Little Patuxent Review
February 6, 2015
5 pages long interview about Kristyna and Marek Milde’s project A la cart and relationship to food in general.
Little Patuxent Review (LPR) is a biannual print journal with an associated blog that features writers and artists from the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond.
Artist probe Urban Architecture
Review of the exhibition Food Shed in the Smack Mellon Gallery by Allison Meier featuring Kristyna Milde project A la Cart.
July 1, 2014
“Another of the neighborhood projects is from Brooklyn-based artist team Kristyna and Marek Milde. Called à la cart, the artists corralled some shopping carts into vegetable gardens at Old Fulton Street, and in Smack Mellon are coordinating food workshops focused on what can be grown collaboratively on the city streets.”
The Hyperallergic is a leading art blogazine with special daily newsletters covering events in the art in New York and international news and exhibitions.
Radio Free
Artist probe urban Architecture
July 2, 2014
Review of the exhibition Food Shed in the Smack Mellon Gallery by Allison Meier featuring Kristyna and Marek Milde project A la Cart.
Radio Free is online broadcasting providing music, news, and programming on stations across the world in a variety of different languages.
NYFA Current
Kristyna and Marek Milde from the Czech Center New York (CCNYC)
Interviewed by Felicity Hogan with Kristyna Milde in the Con Edison Immigrant Artist Program
Newsletter Issue No. 57
May 29, 2014
New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) was established in 1971 as an independent organization serving individual artists throughout the United States and the international community with a diverse range of programs.
Art Margins
“ArtMill: Global Change Inspired from a Seed Planted in the Czech Countryside”
Article by Barbara Benish and Janeil Engelstad
Quote about Milde’s project In-Tre-Net: “This wryly humorous work was both profound and satirical, classically Czech-Slovakian in its tongue-in-cheek humor, and referenced both the connection to nature, as well as the antiquated and obsolete infrastructures of housing and plumbing in this part of the world.”
Czech Television, CT 24 Culture
Czech Title: Kde, co a s kym tvori domov, zjistuji umelci v DOX
English Title: Where, what, and with whom to form a home, examine artists in DOX
October 12, 2013
CT24 is the number one Czech national public-service news channel. Besides news, it offers extended economic and cultural news, discussions, magazines, and economic overviews.
East or West, Home Is Best
Review of the exhibition Where is My Home at the Dox Center for Contemporary Art in Prague by Lisette Allen, featuring Kristyna and Marek Milde project Home in a Home
October 22, 2013
“At first glance, Home in a Home by Kristyna and Marek Milde is merely an old-fashioned writing bureau and a chair. However, the desk is not merely an item on display but instead invites visitors to sit down and complete a questionnaire on the non-functional objects in their home, that help to personalize the otherwise blank boxes we inhabit. A selection of the most interesting responses “ a rusty nail found in a forest, a collection of meteorites and a dead rosemary plant“are displayed on the wall above the desk.
Expats.cz is the#1 lifestyle portal in the Czech Republic for English-speaking Czech and international people living in or relocating to Prague.
Psychology Tomorrow Magazine
Poison Greenâ€: Ecology as Ideology
Review of the exhibition Poison Green curated by Kristyna Milde and Marek Milde at the Czech Center Gallery by Radka Salcmannova and Matthew Ortiz
June 26, 2013
Psychology Tomorrow Magazine is an online US-based magazine covering the intersection between Art and Psychology.
City Farmer News
Dinner Garden on the rooftop of the Bohemian National Hall, New York City
Review by Michael Levenston of the project “Dinner Garden†by Kristyna and Marek Milde
August 18, 2013
“Curators of the show Kristyna and Marek Milde invited a group of local people associated with the Bohemian National Hall to collaborate and experience together the process of growing just enough food for one dish.”
City Farmer News is a Vancouver, Canada-based website covering local and international urban farming since 1978.
Artycok TV
Needles Cleanup
Video reportage reviewing the group exhibition Needles Cleanup in the Meat Factory in Prague, which features Kristyna and Marek Milde’s work.
September 9, 2013
Artycok TV is a leading online platform for contemporary art in the Czech Republic monitoring and co-creating art scene events and related cultural activities.
Art Clue
Eastern European Art Magazine
December 23, 2013
Art Clue is a leading Eastern European Art Online Magazine and Website.
Flash Art Italia
Italian Title: Lessico Famigliare
English Title: Family Talks
Review of the show Family Talks at the Futura Gallery in Prague, the Czech Republic by Simone Ciglia, published in the 2012 July – September Flash Art issue in Italy.
July 2012, pg 20
Read an interview with curator Marco Antonini in the September issue of Flash Art in Italy
Flash Art Italy, one of Europe’s oldest bimonthly art magazines founded in Rome in 1967, is an international magazine and publishing platform dedicated to thinking about contemporary art.
Family Talk/ Rodinne Promluvy
June 5th – August 26th, 2012
Watch the video from the show filmed by Artycok.tv!
View photos from the installation here.

Brooklyn Rail
Kristyna and Marek Milde In Loving Memory
Review by Gail Victoria Braddock Quagliata of the site-specific installation In Loving Memory by Kristyna and Marek Milde at Nurture Art, Brooklyn.
Sep. Iss. 2011
Their use of visually loaded cues like memorial plaques and a giant informational panel feels more like winking at the viewer than furiously pointing out his deplorable chair-wasting tendencies, simply because these particular visual cues are so patently absurd.
In the hands of Kristyna and Marek Milde, rusty, sun-bleached chairs become as peculiarly heartbreaking and gently humorous as awkwardly-mended one-eyed teddy bears or cracked and carefully glued porcelain dollies.
Brooklyn Rail is a prominent New York City-based monthly magazine covering arts, culture, and politics.
W+G News
Kristyna and Marek Milde In Loving Memory
Review of the installation In Loving Memory by Milde’s as part of Trent’s Top Gallery Pick
October 2011
The chairs alone are a ramshackle and hideous bunch, but the artists have outfitted each one with a commemorative plaque much like the plates affixed to park benches in dedication to deceased loved ones that elevates them to objects of conceptual intrigue. But it also shows that, by labeling an object as uncool, it suddenly becomes cool. Such is the power of irony.
W+G News is a bimonthly printed magazine Williamsburg-Greenpoint – Bushwick locations.
Click here to view the original article
English Title: We are all New Yorkers
Italian Title: Siamo tutti newyorkchese
Review by Charlotte Cyril of the installation In Loving Memory by Milde’s as part of the We Are project series at Nurture Art in Brooklyn.
July 25, 2011
… let us note that as fractionated and different, we all are part of a set. A potentially harmonious whole. ¨Perfectly in line with this feeling is a permanent installation on the rooftop of the gallery, In Loving Memory, formed by the Czech couple Marek & Kristyna Milde. A place where the entropy of New York has found a point of arrival, along with a new, but increasingly heterogeneous identity.
Artribune is a magazine printed and distributed throughout Italy.
In Loving Memory by Anne Percoco
Some scattered thoughts about Kristyna & Marek Milde’s installation on the NURTUREart roof:
August 16, 2011
“The installation consists of scavenged chairs, refurbished and sanitized, with commemorative plaques fastened to their backs, plus a map of where they were found, all in various locations in NYC. This project has it all: love of trash a la Slavoj Zizek, material memory, the exaltation of humble objects. This relational aesthetics-genre piece not only activates relationships and conversations among gallery visitors who lounge on the chairs. It encompasses the whole web of relationships around their provenance: where the chairs were originally purchased, who bought them, the imagined event of their damage or the slow advance of rust or the going out of style, the decision to discard, and finally their placement on a curb in New York where the artists found them….”. read the rest as a PDF
Click here to go to the original article
BQE Media: Leader / Observer + Greenpoint Star
Artists to Audience Express Local puts 15 city artists in Queens
Express Local exhibition review by Valeen Kalimooto published in several printed BQE newspapers such as Leader / Observer; Greenpoint Star.
February 9, 2011
BQE Media is a media group publishing eight weekly newspapers in Queens County and Brooklyn including Greenpoint Star, a popular Brooklyn – Queens local weekly newspaper  and The Leader Observer, the oldest newspaper in South Queens.
Queens Tribune
QC Exhibit Asks: Does Home Matter?â€
Review of the exhibition Express Local at the Queens College Art Center
February 3, 2011
Queens Tribune is a weekly local newspaper covering News and Entertainment from the Queens New York area.
Metro, USA
“Getting to know Queens trough artâ€
Review by Jami Attenberg of the exhibition Express Local at the Queens College Art Center.
March 23, 2011
Metro is a daily newspaper published in more than 100 major cities across Europe, North & South America and Asia. Metro has a unique global reach — attracting  Metropolitan audience.
The New York Times
Review by Helen A. Harrison of the exhibition Misplaces at the Amelie A. Wallace Gallery, SUNY College at Old Westbury featuring Kristyna and Marek Milde installation.
March 5, 2006
Selected press about Kristyna Milde photographic series cUMENI:
Review of Kristyna Milde photographic series cUMENI.
August 27, 2009
Quote: “Czech artist Kristyna Milde poses babies in the role of historical icons from famous works of art to examine 
how modes of representation distort our perception of women.â€
Designboom is the world’s leading and most popular digital architecture and design magazine in 190 countries for key contemporary issues and critique of all aspects of art, architecture, and design.
Trend Hunter
Kristyna Milde Recreates Famous Paintings with Posed Dolls
Review of Kristyna Milde photographic series cUMENI.
Aug 28, 2009
Quote: Very impressive work, as the recreations are near perfect.
Trend Hunter is the World’s Largest website for Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting, and Innovation based in Toronto, Canada with a global network in 190 countries.
 Estetica Comunicacione
“Kristyna Milde: Conventions, Consumerism, Art and Womenâ€
Interview with Kristyna Milde by Natalia Liquinano
March 16, 2011
Estetica Comunicacione is a Spanish blog about Aesthetics and Art.
Text book by Boris Miljkovic, a history of the visual arts featuring Kristyna Milde photographic series cUMENI.
Published in 2013 by Geo Poetica in Serbia, 299 pg
ISBN: 978-86-6145-140-9
Pg .46, Pg. 123
Pittsburgh Tribune – Review
Czech It’ looks at family of photographers“
Review by Kurt Shaw of the exhibition “Czech it†Space Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pa featuring Kristyna Milde photographic series cUMENI.
April.22, 2009
“Also with a focus on humor and feminism, Kristyna Milde’s work, in which she replaces female figures in scenes from famous paintings with Mattel’s Barbie, is a real showstopper. Staged in scenes from paintings of Old Masters like Titian and Peter Paul Rubens, they reflect a transformation of cultural values and role models. For example, with her piece “Diana and Actaeon,” she recreates a painting by Giuseppe Cesari (Italian Mannerist Painter, 1568-1640) in which similarities between stereotypical representations from the past and present collide to make an impact on the stereotypes of female identities, both as victims and savior. Milde is just one of five emerging artists represented in this exhibit whose work represents an interesting peak in the contemporary Czech photographic scene.“
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, founded 1811, is the second-largest daily newspaper serving metropolitan Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Pitt News
Art deserves to be Czeched out
Exhibition Review “Czech it†Space Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pa by Colleen Counihan featuring Kristyna Milde photographic series cUMENI.
April 13, 2009
Kristina Milde’s work stands out on the walls because her subjects are not human, but rather Barbies. The plastic figures are posed nude, other times clothed, in the scenes of famous paintings. With her work, Milde comments on the shaping of female identity.
Pitt News is a daily newspaper of the University of Pittsburg since 1910.